Silly Old Goat!

Silly Old Goat!
Name the babies

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Tropical weather.

I'm not sure how hot it was here today, but it was warmer and more humid outside than in the house. Thunderstorms were forecast, but didn't happen, yet! Perhaps tonight.

I took the gruesome twosome for a walk around the garden this afternoon. Bigger kid is eating every leaf she finds and especially likes the fallen acacia leaves.  

Bolt isn't sure about the goats yet, he keeps well away.

Our oak tree is going to have a bumper harvest this year.  Here is a detailed explanation of how to use your acorns as food

Our rowan or mountain ash has berries for the first time. We brought this tree from Scotland to France in 2005 as a foot high seedling. It is now about 10 feet high. Hopefully in the next years it will have many more berries.  Scottish belief is that Rowans are magic!

Sitting quietly, two grasshoppers. These guys can grow really big - up to 3 inches long.

Our fig tree has been eaten by some form of caterpillar. I haven't ever found one of the culprits, but you can see their webs and where they have eaten holes in the leaves.

Thumb tastes best!

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